Peeps! Omg! Today is the last day of 2010!
<3<3<3 2011 in 2 hours 10 minutes!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Can you?
Life, can you PLEASE be nice to me? Please? Can you? Can you? CAN YOU?!
Im desperately wanting you to be.
Can you stop bothering me with stuffs that are hardly solved with this one little mind?
This thing already haunting me for weeks, weeks, weeks, until today. Please, I seriously can't stand in this. This is too much. TOO MUCH. TOO MUCH. TOO MUCH!
I dont care in what way you want to threat me, but please, dont bother me with this kind of problem. Twisting my brain around, speeding up my heartbeat, making me down, filling my days with tears, and yet you know I cant bear them.
I cant I cant I cant
I cant because this is waaay too much. I repeat again, too much. Fyi my life, you have to know how big is this problem concerning my life!
Can someone, PLEASE, kill me instantly without pain?
I'd rather choose that than living in quandary.
Friday, November 5, 2010
No. 8 - Chapter 7
Yeay! Finnaly! I get rid of chapter 5! Now, Im so excited to continue chapter 7. Gonna be one of my fave chapter for No. 8 ;) <3
Friday, October 22, 2010
No. 8 - Chapter 5
I hate it I hate it I hate that my mind is fully blank! Im stuck in chapter 5! STUCK! I need idea I need lots of idea! Omg I need idea idea idea idea ideaaaaa!
Lots of test coming up! I know it's only 3 for meh, but, ugh, lots of things ive got to memorize read understand blahblah :@.
Lots of test coming up! I know it's only 3 for meh, but, ugh, lots of things ive got to memorize read understand blahblah :@.
This WHOLE week wasnt really bad. Except for the past four days. Ive no idea why but my mood, it dropped down to hell. Many things, which I couldnt really figure out what, stuck firmly on my head. My studies screwed up, my room messed up. All I got was a big headache. Sick man Im sick with the play.
You, omg, you! I wanna smash you so badly to the BIN. BIG TROUBLEMAKER this week! The main cause of my horrible four days! I HATE YOU! Clear?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pretend oh pretend
I never know when my limit is. I never I never know. I never wish to know. I love surprise.
Fake emotion is called pretending, right? When somebody talks shit about you, you would rather give a smile than a bloody punch. And you know it inside your heart, you wanna say fuck you! That's what most people do, they pretend. No matter what terms and conditions, pretending is always the best choice. Isnt pretending to be okay better than having lots of people feel sorry for you? Isnt pretending to smile better than having people smirking badly to you?
Pretend, just pretend. It will throw you to safe path. Keep pretending. There no such impossible to pretend. You can do it! PRETEND!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Did you read the title? It says 101010. Wooo. It's sunday! Beginning of school week, crap. Hm, anyway, it wasnt that bad after all. Today was a great day tho. Nothing much happened in school, just, excited :D. EXCITED. Our new economics teacher FINALLY came! I didnt say thats my EXCITED part, oke?
Math was ok. We were doing one question which took the whole lesson. It was fun, as usual. Accounting, it, and blahblah were fine. Today was the first day of activity. I took english. No choice, dude. I could take embroiderey or embroidement or embro something, but I'd rather choose english than embro-something. It'll be more useful later on and I can get lots of benefit from it.
10.10.10 not a bad day. It's a GREAT day. I love (1/2) 10.10.10. Waaaaay different from last year's, 9.9.09, which was a horrible day!
10.10.10 muah <3
Thursday, September 30, 2010
She left the school !
Gawd! Our new homeroom teacher left the school by next week! Man, I know I dont like her, but I didnt mean to wish her to be out :(. So gonna miss her. Be well, miss <3
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Woah, not that great
Tomorrow is just the beginning of the second week of school and yet hws already in hand. Not a lot, just enough to drown you to the bottom. Esp english, crap.
Oh and we got a new homeroom teacher. She talked a lot, very a lot. She seemed like don't want us to have free registration time, although sometimes she gave. So we had like a topic for this week, GOALS. What's the goal in your life? Damn, why do you so care about it? And guess what, we have to submitt the first term goal paper by tomorrow! Gawd, what else she will talk about this coming week?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
School Tomorrow
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! School tomorrow! I wish I could postpone tomorrow, make it next month ;). I seriously dont feel like having a summer holiday! It's still hot hot hot and damn humid here, and I have to let go my glory morning for school's sake? I want my glory morning until tomorrw and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... mmrow... row.... ow...w.
I dont want school! I hate school! It's stressing me out and causing a pain in my life. A big freaking pain! Well, I admit, it causes few happiness, few. Grhhh, I hate hate hate hate hate school! The only time I love school is when it announces "tomorrow is summer holiday!" and that's the last day of school. I hate to go through the whole year, studying and making me sick of memorizing. Though I'll gain knowledges and have a future, still school is a hell on earth! 90% of my life hates school.
Tomorrow is gonna be a beginning for another painful year. A more one perhaps.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Out of Indonesia by Tomorrow
Hiks :(
Hiks :(
Besok balik k qtr, zomg! Ga rela bener gue ninggalin Indo :(. Kurang kurang kurang summer ini kurang bgd! I need more more more! Summer ini rasanya tuh cepet bgd, ga kerasa July udah lewat. Cepet banget sih!!! Gregetan deh gue. Hiks, ogah bgd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ga mau gue balik k Qtr. Hell ya malesin bgd! Arghhh.
Satu kata buat summer taun ini: kecepetan! Well yea walo rada enak cz bs k Dufan, but still kecepetan! Kalo taun kmren 2009 enak bgd, full of jln2. Kemarennya lg 2008 getirnya dunia persahabatan tuh kerasa, kekompakan ngurus 17an, fun! Kemarennya lg 2007, jd panitia 17an tuk pertama kali, awesome experince.
Overall, baru 2010 dpt kesan g bagus. Ada bagusnya sih, tp ah yg paling kerasa tuh kecepetannya!
1 hari beberapa jam lagi, I'll be out from my lovely gorgeous heaven.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It's 14 August Again Today
It's 14 August again today. Sweet 17 for you (ex)dear. How have you been doing there? Everything goes fine right? I just remembered about your birthday last night when I accidentaly was looking for the date to write on my journal. Fyi, I miss you so damn much. I pray for your happiness and a life to get through your long-desperating-times in there. Keep waiting, you are just about to hit the final, then if there is a chance, we'll meet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Waktu di Ancol
Aite. Tepatnya tanggal 10 Juli gue sekeluaga jalan2 ke Dufan, Ancol. Masih hari2nya anak2 liburan, hari sabtu. Besok minggu, dan besoknya senin, tepat anak2 dah pd masuk sekolah. Pengennya sih pas hari sekolah aja biar sepi, tapi tetep aja berangkat hari Sabtu itu. Haha. Seneng sih seneng, banget malah :D. Cuman ada sialnya juga, waktu itu gue lagi ga enak badan banget :(. Uh, sempet nyesel kenapa berangkat hari itu. Tp, jalanin aja dah.
Wahana pertama yang kita naikin adalah komedi putar. Lupa deh gue di sana disebut paan. Antrinya itu booo, gila dah kayak kereta seratus gerbong. Pagi itu gue masih biasa aja, setelah naik komedi putar, kita niatnya ngantri The Journey to the Centre of the Earth ntu. Los antrilah kita. Bused, ternyata puanjang banget. Gue dah rada mulai cape, akhirnya gue nyerah deh. Itu setelah nyaris setengah jam ngantri tanpa hasil. Dah pusing, panas, laper, beeeh. Akhirnya gue dan nyokap yang pilih berhenti duluan, pilih makan. Bokap nd kedua adek gue yang masih segar bugar pada ngantri.
Gue dan nyokap makan, pas udah mau selesai, eh mereka dtg. Gue pikir sih udah nyobain wahananya, eh ternyata mereka nyerah juga -_- cpd. Oke, mereka makan, gue dan nyokap duduk aja. Ada satu wahana d blakang gue dan nyokap, itu lho yg naik angsa terus digoes. Sepi bener antriannya kagak panjang. Pas dah pd slese smua, kita beniat buat naik tuh goes2an. Ehhh... tau2nya bayar -_-. Males deh akhirnya jalan cari mainan lain.
Jalan2 berhenti di istana boneka yg antriannya ga mau kalah dengan The Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Mana tuh antrian mpe luar terus d dalem msh d puter2, edan dah. Pemanfaatan lahan abis. Gue yg ngerasa hopeless buat ngantri nih wahana, lebih milih tuk dduk aja. Alhasil gue dan nyokap dduk. Yg lain ngantri 3 menitan dan blg nyerah ga jadi. Great. Gue msh hopeless deh buat smua permainan. Duduk lumayan lama, makan pop mie, es jeruk, starbucks, akhirnya semangat gue pulih! Wohooo!
Kdua adik gue lagi pd ngantri cangkir yg d puter2 ntu, dan gue ngantri rollercoaster mini d blakang tmpt gue dduk. Antriannya gue pikir panjang, tp ternyata ga juga ah. Hehe. Gue ksh tau bonyok kalo kdua adik gue udah balik, gue suruh ngikut ngantri. Ywda deh mereka akhirnya dtg jg. Kita jadinya ngantri ganti2an.
Pas udah naik, karena tmpt dduknya 2-2, jadinya gue dduk sama mba2 yg gue ga kenal (?). Hahahahahahaha pokoknya gue teriak sekenceng2nya. LOLOLOLOL. Selesai 3 putaran, kita smua turun. Terus ngecek foto2 yg d ambilnya. Haha, ngakak gue ngeliat fotonya. Ukuran 4r 2 lembar = 50000. Gue beli tuh. Sumpah, muka gua!
Naik rollercoaster mini = penyemangat sejati!
Abis itu naik wahana2 lainnya lagi. Naik apa tuh yg kita duduk terus muter2 kyk terbang. Anginnya mantep. Terus apa lagi ya. Pasrah ngantri istana boneka deh kyknya. Haha. Bonekanya, kyk idup. Tp lucu deh pk kostum2nya. Gerak2 gitu jga, kalo dmiripin sama boneka2 yg d pake d film horor, cocok deh tinggal d tambahin darah2 hiii...
Terus naik apa ya gue lupa. Pengen naik arum jeram begitu liat antrian, langsung urungkan niat semuanya. Solat asar terus main perang bintang! Seru banget sumpah. Setting ruangannya top. Antriannya juga ga panjang2 amat. Skali game selsai, yg masuk langsung byk, jd cepet. Mungkin karna lokasinya yg d ujung kali ya. Begitu masuk, suara perang langsung kerasa bgd. Design ruangannya juga, keren.
Abis perang bintang, ngapain ya gue lupa lagi nih hahahah. Lupa bener. Pokoknya ujung2nya ngantri The Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Anjrit, walo antrian makin mendek, tp ttep aja lamanya beeeh. Ywdah deh naik ontang anting! Haha, iya tuh ontang anting nama wahananya. Yg dduk terus kyk terbang ngerasain angin berhembus hmmm...
Abis magrib, langit dah mulai gelap, ngantri deh The Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Walo makin memendek, ttep aja lama bgd. Gila, gue dah pusing. Akhirnya batal! Sempet ada cek cok dikit juga tuh :(.
Pulang dengan mengandalkan papan hijau ckckck. Sempet telat belok juga tuh, sempet ngomel2 juga d mobil. Untung ada puteran yg ga begitu jauh sejak keluar tol. Alhamdulillah, nyampe juga malem2.
Pengalaman, jangan prnah ke Dufan pas liburan! Bukannya cape main, tp cape ngantri!
Tp seharian d Dufan waktu itu, love it muah banget.
Panjang bgd ya postingannya?
Panjang bgd ya postingannya?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Rutinitas disini
Alhamdulillah gue udah nyampe di indo tepatnya tanggal 20 sore. Wuih seneng bgd deh hhe. Kalo udah di indo, ada bberapa rutinitas yang mau ga mau seneng ga seneng kudu dilakuin.
1. Pake lotion nyamuk.
Satu2nya cara ampuh kalo ga mau bentol2 dan lecet2 dan luka2 dan merah2 kulit lo.
2. Mandi air dingin
Bwwrrr, beneran deh, sumpah dingin bgd. Pasalnya, kalo d Qatar kan ada heater yg bs d andelin buat ngangetin aer, nah dsini, mau ngerebus aer sepanci juga kurang :( yg ada buang2 waktu aja.
3. No internet at all
Mau ngenet? Ke warnet.
4. No safety outside the door
Musti hati2 dan ga bs berkelakuan layaknya d Qatar.
But overall, gue suka Indonesia. Muahhh
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Minggu ini=EXAM!
Pelajaran pertama di hari pertama adala bahasa inggris. Ga tau mau blajar apa -_-, ngerjain past papers deh jadinya. Senin fisika dan bahasa prancis. Selasa math dan akutansi. Rabu ekonomi dan biologi. Kamis komputer!
Doain semua berjalan lancar dan baik2 aja. Smoga apa yg gue pelajari pd berguna! Hahaha. Wish me luck too ;). Amiiin.
Semakin cepat semakin baik.
Summerrrrr, 20 June baby <3
Dare Enough?
I'm talking behind? Fine, I DO! Aren't you doing the same? Huh? Stop being the innocent one, you are so not professional at it. You make yourself look pathetic.
And now you are asking, why don't I say everything in front of you? What will happen if I do? I bet you will cry and filling my twitter home with all your omg words. Because I still know that we are friend, still. Because I hate to break friendship. Because I know pretty well those feelings you got when your friend betrays you. Because that hurt so much and I never wish anybody, as well as me, to get that feelings again. And that's why I never reveal anything as in face-to-face.
What if I reverse the question, why don't you say everything in front of me? What reasons will you give? Or you dare to do it?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Today 2 Years Ago...
Today 2 years ago... well yea, it was a bad news though, but still <3...
It was an end, it was a full stop. There wasn't comma, or question mark anymore. Damn. It was a big mistake, it was a fully regret. It was wrong...
I was happy but later I realize I shouldn't be. That was what I'd waiting for, but later I realize I shouldn't be waiting for it. That was whatsoever I wanted to accomplish, but later I realize I should never think of it.
I miss you so badly. It had been years. It's just a matter of time. I'm slowly still on my script. I know you are waaay faster than me. I know you are there already. Oneday, I'll come, just wait for the time. I miss you and lets undo everything, oxx.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Jumat Gila wid Afi
Sososo, kmren gue main ke rumah Afi. Udah direncanakan sih dari 2 minggu sebelumnya, cuman baru ksampean kmren. Hehe. Kmrennya lagi, tepatnya Kamis, gue dan adik gue jalan2 k cc, nah, pulangnya dikasih tau nyokap kalo tadi bu Fajri nelpon, katanya gue di suruh kerumahnya buat latihan drama2an buat pentas akhir tahun Kaifa. Yah, gue yang udah punya plan ke rumah Afi, dan emang dah gue tunggu2, masa musti ga jadi? Males deh. Gue tanya nyokap lebih detail lagi, ngapain aja di sananya ntr. Katanya sih cuma latihan doang, terus ngerekam suaranya minggu dpn. Oh, gitu aja sih tinggal minta skripsinya Sabtu pas Kaifa juga bisa. Oke, akhirnya gue decide buat main ke rumah Afi.
Lumayan seru lah. Sialnya gue ga bawa uang, hahaha, kepkiran sih tuk bawa, cuman gara2 buru2 jadi ga bawa. Ywdah, makan i-twist spicy nya pake duit Afi deh. Hehehe. Main gitar tapi kacau, ah, parah bangeeeeet. Hahaha. Foto2 juga ga lupa ;).
Pokoknya asik deh.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tes ICT Parah
Gila! Tes IT kacauuu banget. Sebenernya semua bisa gue kerjain, cuman kayaknya ada satu step yg salah ngerjainnya. Huhu, paraaah. Masalahnya salah dikit aja dah ngaruh banget ke step2 selanjutnya. Mampus! Pokoknya gue kyk org bego bgd td. Abis ICT kan istirahat, gue sampe yg trakir ketiga untuk keluar dr lab.
Sampe skrg gue msh bingung, td gue salah ketik apa? Gue cocokin sekilas sama kertasnya Aliaa, perasaan mirip2 aja deh. Paleng. Pokoknya nilai gue ga akan sebaik tes ICT paling pertama semester pertama. Hahaha. Suwer. (Ya eyalah secara tuh tes 40/40) pameeeeer.
Uh, semoga nilainya ga anjlok2 bgd. Amiiin.
Btw, hari nih ga ada ujan lagi :( hiks. Padahal kmren langit sempet oren2 walo ga keliatan bgd mendungnya. Ada suara gemuruhnya juga. Gluduk2 gitu deeeh. Gerimis gerimis, terus ujaaan. Seneng bgd gila gue sampe yg rela2in mau kena rintik2 ujannya. Hehe apa deh. Tapi hari ini, anjrit, panaaas. Neraka bocooooor lagi ini.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Belajar Total Juga Akhirnya
Anjrit. Besok ada tes ekonomi. Harusnya sih hari ini, cuman gurunya bakal absen pas kelas boys. Tadinya kita ditanya apa mau tes hari ini dengan syarat jgn ksh tau boys apa aja soalnya atau dijadiin besok. Beh, dah ketebak gini mah yg laen pd mo jawab apa -_-. Ywdalah, los gue ikut aja enaknya gmn.
Dgn dimundurinnya hari tes, catatannya ternyata ditambah. Yah, sama aja boong, tetep aja masih musti belajar lg d rumah. Niatnya gue cuma pgn revise dikit aja, eh malah jadi belajar total. Males deh.
Nih gue skrg nih duduk sambil mangku buku ekonomi. Sok rajin dah. Dari td baca, tp masih aja ga begitu ngerti. Parah. Sialnya, besok ekonomi pelajaran pertama. Beeeeeeeeh, baru masuk pagi2 udah dapet ginian. Pinter.
Ya, semoga tes besok baik2 aja and gue dapet soal yang mudah! Pasalnya, tes terakhir gue dapet yg susah. Huhu kalang kabut gue ngerjainnya, mana ga ada catetannya lagi di buku tulis, sial bener. Jatoh jatoh tuh nilai.
Wish me luck ;)
Tasya - Anak Gembala
Tau lagu inikan?
Anak Gembala
Aku adalah anak gembala
Selalu riang serta gembira
Karena aku senang bekerja
Tak pernah malas ataupun lengah
Setiap hari ku bawa TERNAK
Ke padang RUMPUT
Di KAKI bukit
Rumputnya hijau subur dan banyak
TERNAKku makan TAK pernah sedikit
Tau lagu inikan?
Anak Gembala
Aku adalah anak gembala
Selalu riang serta gembira
Karena aku senang bekerja
Tak pernah malas ataupun lengah
Setiap hari ku bawa TERNAK
Ke padang RUMPUT
Di KAKI bukit
Rumputnya hijau subur dan banyak
TERNAKku makan TAK pernah sedikit
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Geez, exam is coming! I haven't so prepared for it. I just made the revision weeks list and started it a week ago. So far, it goes so well. Except for those subjects I never put my interest to. I officially postponed some subjects for week 2. They all are because some common reasons. Lazy-lazy, I forgot the textbook, or I accidentally used up the times to study the other subject while it can be done within half of its used time.
I'm so gonna be fckd up for the next 3 weeks. I'll soon be living with a heap of books, a heap of pages, =_=. A heap of notes. A heap of everything I should be reading. I will carry a heavier bag, filled with booksss. Sigh.
Wish me luck during my studying weeks ;)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Q And A
Q: Aite aite. How do you feel when somebody stab you? How do you feel when somebody talking shits behind you? Feeling like killing? Or feeling like eating? Or both?
A: BOTH ;)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
RIP Lip Balm
Today is the dead day for my since-summer-2009 cherry lip balm. RIP for it. As usual, it was traded from one lip to another. Polished smoothly, right left right left. OH. Rani gave it to Ayse because of a silly wish, she wants a kiss on her cheek. Well, Ayse started by kissing people's fisted-hand randomly. Rani probably wanted some but on her cheek. So she told Ayse to put my lip balm so that it would give a lip-mark on her cheek. Ayse put it and kissed Rani's cheek. Cheek cheek cheek. First, I thought nothing happened, but later like few minutes later, I found my lip balm became glittery. Oh, I hate to have glittery lip. Then I decided to remove it using tissue. I picked one, then Rani said she wanted to remove it, I said no. Slowly I tried to remove the glitter, but, I made the lip balm broken apart. I screamed like hell, I couldn't believe it. Rani was on her glory moment to say that "I should just do it. I've experienced the same thing before with Dahye's lip balm." Well, something like that but not exactly the way I wrote it just now. Damn! Now I need another one. It was a worth experience anyway. Thanks now I will never touch you harshly anymore ;)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I Feel Like Killing Somebody
Well, lol, I feel like killing somebody. Anyone who read agree? Nod please ;)
Well, lol, I feel like killing somebody. Anyone who read agree? Nod please ;)
Nowadays, my hands kept on wanting to make a punch, or hold a knife, or to pour a poison on somebody's drink. That used to happen lately. But of course, I haven't do any, except those in purpose. I feel like want to slice somebody's neck, break it apart and bury the pieces behind the park. Sounds scary, ya? Hahaha. It does, for me. Especially when you are able to imagine it, OOOOO.
For God's sake, I can't do any :( but I really want to :( :( :(
Hahaha, I talk nonsense, huh? Hahaha.
My mind is in its crazy mode now. Just if sin doesn't exist, I'd been doing it to those people :). When I show you a smirk ONCE, please understand I want kill you soon.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
This Holiday is =__= but also :DD
Damn damn damn dammit!
Damn damn damn dammit!
This one week holiday was such a waste. I almost do nothing but sitting in front of my laptop and staring, switching tabs, checking my fb twitter blog fb twitter blog fb twitter blog =__=. It gives me nuts seriously.
But anyway, as long as it's holiday which means a homie-sweetie-enjoyiie time, that's gonna be fine. Even though it was so freaking boring like hell. Aight, so, this holiday was boring for sure but there are some things that make this holiday has a meaning. Not gonna tell what :P, I likeeeyy it so much :DD.
Tomorrow school
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Had Fun Today
Yes. So, I had so much fun today. Vina and I went to cc.
- We met Nitya
- There was a woman with her lovely trolley who was fell off the escalator. Well, the trolley fell above her and the sound of guburubak was heard
- High heels is so a damn killer
- I bought a smooth pink nailpolish
- There were no put-photo-inside pendants that we're looking for
- We had enough fun
Yes. So, I had so much fun today. Vina and I went to cc.
- We met Nitya
- There was a woman with her lovely trolley who was fell off the escalator. Well, the trolley fell above her and the sound of guburubak was heard
- High heels is so a damn killer
- I bought a smooth pink nailpolish
- There were no put-photo-inside pendants that we're looking for
- We had enough fun
I <3 Today
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Fan Pages
Here is my another list of fan pages on facebook. I found many that I'm so agree with.
I knew them before u. Stop acting like you know them better.
I wanna throw a brick at your face, but I wouldn't want to hurt the brick.
i hate fighting with someone i truly care about.
When i read ur text messages I can hear exactly how you would say it.
My School is constantly finding new ways to take money from us.
Meeting someone in the wierdest way, then they are a huge part of your life.
Dear Math, I Don't Want To Solve Your Problems, I Have My Own To Solve.
I was there When you needed me...When I need you WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!
S.C.H.O.O.L. = Seven. Crappy. Hours. Of. Our. Lives.
we fight, we yell, we cry, we stop talking. but we still love each other.♥.
it makes sense in my head, i just cant explain it.
I hate it when I yell someone's name and they don't hear me, I feel stupid.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE sleep but never want to go to bed early.
i hate it when i lose something when i need it right now .. :\.
i hate when you know you will never see someone ever again in your life.
Asking your parents after you've already made plans
i have a bestfriend that makes me laugh till my stomach hurts :).
Typing your password at lightning speed
I always wonder what I look like from someone elses eyes.
Every time my phone vibrates , i wish it was you.
i thought tht test was really easy........ till i saw my grade.
my best friend knows so much about me, they could ruin my life in a second.
I actually pay attention to the "L" and "R" on my headphones. Always.
As we grow up we don’t lose friends. We just learn who our real ones are.
Crap, ( in supermarket) where is my mum? act cool act cool :/.
I cant live without Mobile, Laptop & Internet.......
"& i was like.." "& she was like.." "& he was like...." "then i was like.."
its hard gettin used to not talkin to some1 when u talked to them everyday.
I Saw Your Comment Before You Deleted It.
I wanna know...But i don't wanna ask..
Seriously, life is better when you decide you don't care.
"Are you going to school tomorrow?" "No, I'm riding my unicorn to Alaska."
Getting caught in those "Its not what it looks like" moments.
i hate it when im excited for something, then theres a change of plans ;(.
I notice a cut on my hand/arm and im wondering where did that come from?
I hate when you act like that, because I know you arent really that way.
I LOVE the moment i finish my WORK !
I can forget what you said, what you did, but never how you made me feel.
Beauty gets the attention BUT personalty gets the heart ♥
Spelling a word so bad that spell check cant even fix it.
Step 1: Become a f-.....NO!
Getting to know someone you never thought you would.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Life Gets Harder
Ufff ufff, life is getting harder , omg. I just cant compare how's my life 1 year ago and now. Everything seems complicated. School works are the best. To kill me in such pretty ways. Although I still spend most of my home-time in front of this lovely laptop, but still, a heap of books are waiting for me behind. Grrrhhh, I want my easy life back! I suffer enough of these. I have hw(s) like... everyday , well not really everyday, but there is always a thing to study. I get used to write whatever school works I need to finish at home on a beautiful hw diary everyday. I open the diary at night and separated which books needed. Most of the times I just do the hw(s) and ignore the studying job. Studying = Student+Dying, oyeah this is so right! I know by continuing this lazyness habit, I will end up in suffering more. But, ah, Idk why I never be in the mood to study. This laptop pulls me always. Its force is somehow so strong omg. I just can't think why am I doing this. Silly, isnt it? ufff yes.
Right now, a bio hw is waiting for me. And yeah, I'm too lazy to do it. I don't really like bio and thats could be the reason why I never be in the mood to open this thick bio txtbook. I kinda a lil bit late in understanding bio lessons, cz, yeah, cz I dont like bio. Well, as simple as that.
I dont want to face a harder life. I want my old life back!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
You Are the Exception
How to avoid something that is forbidden to us?
While the thing is what we've waited for long
And you just can't get rid of it in minutes
How to avoid something that is forbidden to us?
While the thing is what we've waited for long
And you just can't get rid of it in minutes
I know very well it's not supposed to happen. Supposed. But you see, im just a normal teenager like others, I do mistake(s). Vanity, shifty, stupidity, and those -tys. Sometime I hate being myself, but sometimes I hate for not being myself. It's normal. Life cycles, so do attitudes.
Avoiding something that we've waited for long isn't an easy task. It requires lots of courages and supports to do. But sorry, I've fallen into it too deep already. And I can't assure that I can get rid of it easily. I feel fine with it, really fine. Although I know I shouldn't be fine, but I do feel fine. You think I'm crazy? Sure you can.
What might confuses you is that I haven't tell what's the thing. But yeah, a clue, a super clue, it's something that we all have in common. Seriously. None of us can't escape from this also. None. None. None!
I always try to do my best, to be wiser, can distinguish which one is right and wrong, to be better. So far, I still have the same feeling even though you always be my exception forever.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
It's lucky for you that I still keep my mouth shut. And it's better for you to stop overacting to get attention because whatever you did won't change anything! Get real, you don't deserve a single of this!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I Love Friday 19 Februari 2010
OMG! I just love today!
OMG! I just love today!
- First, something disappointing happened but that was fine. I could go through it and chose the opportunity left.
- I bought some goods nd I love them
- I met a guy, which I thought maybe coming from the same country as me, in a store at a mall. I kinda... you know. First glance was omg, he wasn't hot or wtv, he was just perfect for me. Not so perfect until I know him more. Well, I tried to see him again since my mom nd sist nd I were about to pay the shoes and gonna be out of the store. I walked away, went to that guy, hoping he would see me even just a second! But he didnt! :( Alright, another impression was, he cared about his brothers a lot, he accompanied him nd didn't care about the surrounding. He was a caring guy :)
- I tried my mom's new heels which I wished that I can owned that too in smaller size
- My old wedges broke into pieces but it had been replaced with this new one, even though it's flats
- I installed an antivirus then restarted my laptop. Everything still fine. Then I did something else to it which I already knew how and what to do. Without it asked me to restart, or even no need to restart, I restarted. I wrote my password nd clicked enter. Then came back to my desktop in different appearance. Something wrong happened. It happened once but everything had solved and it happens again? God, the person who used to repair it last time is not here in Qatar anymore! He was my dad's friend. I was like dying to hell to get over this. I immediately grab my handy-harddisk [I forgot what we called it] and transfer all my datas into it. I cried, gosh, I cried. Then I restart again, then... oh thank God! Back to normal again!
- I was bored nd totally bored. I got nothing to do except study. Well I studied and I even asked my friend's help for this physics works. Still, I don't get them 100%. I must ask my dad's help tomorrow, a must!
- I opened a website that I know from another website :). We can chat with stranger throughout the world. According my experiences, some of them are fine but some other, go to hell! Today, I chatted with a danish guy. First impression was fine. Later, later, later, he was so very fine. He's kind and friendly. He told me the truth, maybe, but it seemed like that. It was the longest and best chat through this website so far. That danish guy...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Become Fan
The best times in life are when you are with your best and truest friend.
I pretend to be ok and I keep a smile on my face but Inside Im dying.
There are still more left, I'm just tired to copy-paste them down here. :D
You know, it has been months since the become fan button appears nd booming throughout the facebook. Become fan is no more to be a fan but instead to be agreed with the statement stated. I somehow try not to click become fan buttons too much nowadays. It's kinda useless. I only click to those that I really agreed.
Here are some fans that I agree but I don't click ;)
I put things in a safe place and then forget where the safe place is
I hate it when someone you love loves another person =((
Behind every smile there's a message that u will never understand
Do not read this!! You will be kissed on the nearest - oh shut up!
"Imma tell you one time..." Liar. You said that at least 25 times!
I delete the whole password when I type a single letter wrong
I wait for people to add me, and when they dont I always end up adding them
Making your font bigger so it looks you've written more
1%...2%...3%... *an hour later* 99%....DOWNLOAD FAILED, try again? -_-
"you're disturbing my lesson" yeah well, you're disturbing my conversation
Get real. No one is going to form a single line if the building on FIRE
I hate it when I do something amazing and no one sees it
I love the feeling of accomplishment after finishing all your homework
I miss you. The old you. The new one sucks
oh great now that song's stuck in my head all day and i only know 1 line
I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!
How is mr crab's daughter a whale?
Hearing your voice on camera, and asking "do i really sound like that?!"
getting a message, and thinking "how do i reply to that ."
I love you, But I can't tell you because you don't feel the same way... :(.
:) :D :P :@ ;) :'( :') :O :S :L - What would we do without them??
When I'm alone in my house + hear a noise, I presume I'm going to be killed.
Programme not responding.End Now..End Now..Get OFF my SCREEN. Frozen. ARGH!
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real,then you woke up and it wasn't?
You piss me off so much, I just wanna hit you with a brick.
In times of need, I can always depend on Wikipedia.
i am very angry at you dont you dare make me laugh.
Wow, That Just Ruined My Day..
The Moment Of Glory When You Find Out Everyone Hates The Person You Hate
Having secret nicknames for people you hate.
S [H E] B E [L I E] V E [D].
i wish i could go back in time and make everything alright! :/.
Shut up, stop acting like you have problems to get attention
Real Friends are not ur Friends when they talk about u n stab u in the back.
"what do you see in him?"..."everything you dont." ♥.
I pretend to be ok and I keep a smile on my face but Inside Im dying.
There are still more left, I'm just tired to copy-paste them down here. :D
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Paloma Faith - Technicolour
Alright. To the point, I love this song. If you ever heard the Samsung Corby's commercial, you must be familiar with this.
Once upon a time my friends it feels like yesterday
I was living lonesome in a world of disarray
Everything was black and white, there wasn't even grey
And every morning waking up on Groundhog Day
It was all in monochrome, without the light
Just like a silver screen, you walked into my life
You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it's all in technicolour with you
I lived in the blackest house with seven pure white cats
The bleak eyed look of every day hidden deep inside my hat
The notes on the piano now remind of my past
And now you're here right by my side, I hope that we will last
It was all in monochrome, without the light
Just like a silver screen, you walked into my life
You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it's all in technicolour with you
Yellow, orange, pink, green and blue
Let's paint the town, darling us two
You bring your pallet and I will sing the sub bar
We're just two birds of a feather
You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it's all in technicolour with you
Now it's all in technicolour with you
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I can feel your existence here
I can feel your warmness here
Your beguiling charm that wraps me
I need you here
Tell me your stories, how is your life so far?
I don't want to suffer from this boredom any longer, let's laugh
Any idea what to do?
I'll cook your favourite dish, although I have no idea which one is celery
I'll make you happy
Smile and let me capture that memory
I saved it in a memory stick and will make it my profile pic
Help me stand cause I just fell
It wasn't my fault, it was my leg's fault
Gimme your hand cause I'm too fragile to stand by myself
Not being childish I just need your attention more
Now you see how much you are meant to me?
We will last.
Aren't we?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
An Ordinary
You may see me as an ordinary, but I'm an extraordinary. Seems like you haven't recognise everything. Hello, I'm here. You gave me many experiences, that I haven't been through before. I faced them as a reality. Causing me having this little adorable feeling that I myself can't confess it. You lighted up my life. But I guess it won't last long. You really don't know what's happening. My thought says everything will remain like this... probably forever. And it hurts me so badly.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Owl City - Fireflies
So, okay, im currently so obsessed with this song. It's just another simple song. About dreaming big dreams and how wild imagination can be, maybe. The video kinda proves it. With all those childhood-time toys playing around in the room. It's cool.
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lift up the world as I fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare
Chorus: I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread
Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
(Said farewell)
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar
Chorus 2x
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Thought Was Wrong !
So, according to my previous post before this, my thought was wrong. It wasn't true. Oh, what a great news ! I just feel much better now. So-very-much better now. Haha. No idea what else to say. It was just great!
Note: This day was kinda one of my best day ever.
Monday, January 18, 2010
She Seems Like Liking You
She said she likes a new guy. Well, I just kinda figure it out whom. Don't know why but it pointed out at you. I do surprised with my own thought, it's just weird. Alright, my thought is not always true. Hope so in this case. Seriously, it's weird. How come I'm thinking it's you? Uh. Even so if it's real, dammit, my heart is torn apart. Nobody can fix it. I'm broken into pieces. Nobody can solve this puzzle. Nobody can join these pieces. All the hidden clues I got, are saying she seems like liking you. Why it has to be you? There are lots of people there, choose another one. I will seriously hate her, if it will happen for real. Once I hear she says your name, oh you are dead, girl! I'm not joking about the hating part.
Krik... Krik... Krik...
Hmmm, jadi, kan mulai minggu ini gue udah bisa onlen lagi, nah, balik lagi pula pola tidur dan belajar gue kyk dulu. Yang nyaris ga imbang. Buktinya, hari ini aja, coba deh gue udah belajar apa, cuma math doang! Padahal ada blajar eco besok , blajar french besok , nd test bio kamis. Nd gue skrg ini malah nyante doing nothing dpn laptop. Uh, buang-buang waktu bgd ga sih? Yoi.
Minggu kmren waktu ga ada onlen, kayaknya gue bs lebih fokus blajar, walo ga fokus 100% sih. Tidur juga ga larut2 bgd. Malah sebelum jam 11. Nah, skrg karena uda bs onlen bs2 sebelum 12 atw setelah 12. Krik! Kayaknya butuh another week off deh . Hmmm ya gitulah pokoknya. Hahaha.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
You know, I'm bored. Feeling sleepy already but don't want to sleep yet.
Hmmm, am I so into the past ?
Does my world revolving backward ?
Trying to assume everything fine while actually not.
For God's sake, I need a life.
The smoke coming out from the chimney
Where does it disappear ?
The bold night may swallow it
I'm lost, I need some ways
My past yes past
My good past
Can it be present ?
Or let me have it again in the future
My bad past
Stay as how you are
Don't haunt me
I need a better life
Akhirnya, Online
Uyeeeah, akhirnya gue bisa online juga setelah seminggu off. Sekarang udah mau jam stengah 10 mlm nih. Selama seminggu gue off, pola tdr gue normal banget. Tidur slalu sebelum jam 12 malam. Wah, hari ini jgn smpe jadi permulaan tidur kacau gue lagi.
Ternyata seminggu tanpa internet ga bosen-bosen mampus amat ya. Hahaha. Banyak juga hal lain yg bisa gue kerjain. Contohnya tidur siang 1 jam-an dan malamnya tdr sebelum jam 12. Hahaha. Gila.
Sekarang, gue udah setengah ngantuk, tp gara-gara udah dduk d dpn laptop, jd susah berdiri lagi. Haha, apa deh GA JELAS. Oke, Metha, tidur!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Next Week, Off
Next week starting tomorrow, I'm gonna off for a week. Okay, maybe, still gonna open fb via mobile. Hahaha. Well, off nw. Cya ppl. Xo.
Novel Gratis
Oke. Gue dapet novel GRATIS. Hmmm gmn caranya. Gini. Hahaha. Jadi, waktu itu beberapa minggu yang lalu, gue ikutan semacam cerdas cermat dr tmpt ngaji. Terus, karena kalah, jadinya di kasih voucher. Semua yg kalah di kasih sih. Hahaha. Oke. Dari pada ni voucher bersemedi terlalu lama di dalam my mystic box , mending gue beliin aja. Karena ini voucher untuk ke Jarir, semacam toko buku, ya gue beliin buku. Hahaha. Oke. Karena gue belum punya novel berbahasa planet inggris [untuk kedua kalinya] ini, jadi gue penasaran untuk beli lagi dan nyoba baca, apa gue nyambung kagak. Secara pernah beli sekali pas ada acara buku di sekolah lama, dan... gue ga tertarik untuk membacanya lagi seketika gue melihat kata-kata aneh itu berjemur ria di tiap halaman. Great.
Novel yang gue beli ini emang ga baru-baru amat. Udah gue incer dari sebelum liburan musim panas 2009 lalu. Nyaris gue beli di Gramed tapi kagak jadi2. Hahaha. Oke, kebetulan gue ngeliat di Jarir, ywdah gue beli aja. Tadinya gue mau beli "Message in The Bottle", tapi kata adek gue beli "My Sister's Keeper" aja. Oke, karena gue anaknya yg lumayan plin plan dan perasaan gampang g enak, ywdah gue turutin. Dan kebeli juga deh akhirnya! Heee :D.
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