Thursday, January 21, 2010

Owl City - Fireflies


So, okay, im currently so obsessed with this song. It's just another simple song. About dreaming big dreams and how wild imagination can be, maybe. The video kinda proves it. With all those childhood-time toys playing around in the room. It's cool.


You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lift up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare

Chorus: I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread


Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
(Said farewell)
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

Chorus 2x
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Thought Was Wrong !


So, according to my previous post before this, my thought was wrong. It wasn't true. Oh, what a great news ! I just feel much better now. So-very-much better now. Haha. No idea what else to say. It was just great!

Note: This day was kinda one of my best day ever.


Monday, January 18, 2010

She Seems Like Liking You


She said she likes a new guy. Well, I just kinda figure it out whom. Don't know why but it pointed out at you. I do surprised with my own thought, it's just weird. Alright, my thought is not always true. Hope so in this case. Seriously, it's weird. How come I'm thinking it's you? Uh. Even so if it's real, dammit, my heart is torn apart. Nobody can fix it. I'm broken into pieces. Nobody can solve this puzzle. Nobody can join these pieces. All the hidden clues I got, are saying she seems like liking you. Why it has to be you? There are lots of people there, choose another one. I will seriously hate her, if it will happen for real. Once I hear she says your name, oh you are dead, girl! I'm not joking about the hating part.


Krik... Krik... Krik...


Hmmm, jadi, kan mulai minggu ini gue udah bisa onlen lagi, nah, balik lagi pula pola tidur dan belajar gue kyk dulu. Yang nyaris ga imbang. Buktinya, hari ini aja, coba deh gue udah belajar apa, cuma math doang! Padahal ada blajar eco besok , blajar french besok , nd test bio kamis. Nd gue skrg ini malah nyante doing nothing dpn laptop. Uh, buang-buang waktu bgd ga sih? Yoi.

Minggu kmren waktu ga ada onlen, kayaknya gue bs lebih fokus blajar, walo ga fokus 100% sih. Tidur juga ga larut2 bgd. Malah sebelum jam 11. Nah, skrg karena uda bs onlen bs2 sebelum 12 atw setelah 12. Krik! Kayaknya butuh another week off deh . Hmmm ya gitulah pokoknya. Hahaha.


Sunday, January 17, 2010



You know, I'm bored. Feeling sleepy already but don't want to sleep yet.

Hmmm, am I so into the past ?
Does my world revolving backward ?
Trying to assume everything fine while actually not.
For God's sake, I need a life.

The smoke coming out from the chimney
Where does it disappear ?
The bold night may swallow it
I'm lost, I need some ways

My past yes past
My good past
Can it be present ?
Or let me have it again in the future
My bad past
Stay as how you are
Don't haunt me
I need a better life


Akhirnya, Online


Uyeeeah, akhirnya gue bisa online juga setelah seminggu off. Sekarang udah mau jam stengah 10 mlm nih. Selama seminggu gue off, pola tdr gue normal banget. Tidur slalu sebelum jam 12 malam. Wah, hari ini jgn smpe jadi permulaan tidur kacau gue lagi.

Ternyata seminggu tanpa internet ga bosen-bosen mampus amat ya. Hahaha. Banyak juga hal lain yg bisa gue kerjain. Contohnya tidur siang 1 jam-an dan malamnya tdr sebelum jam 12. Hahaha. Gila.

Sekarang, gue udah setengah ngantuk, tp gara-gara udah dduk d dpn laptop, jd susah berdiri lagi. Haha, apa deh GA JELAS. Oke, Metha, tidur!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Next Week, Off


Next week starting tomorrow, I'm gonna off for a week. Okay, maybe, still gonna open fb via mobile. Hahaha. Well, off nw. Cya ppl. Xo.


Novel Gratis


Oke. Gue dapet novel GRATIS. Hmmm gmn caranya. Gini. Hahaha. Jadi, waktu itu beberapa minggu yang lalu, gue ikutan semacam cerdas cermat dr tmpt ngaji. Terus, karena kalah, jadinya di kasih voucher. Semua yg kalah di kasih sih. Hahaha. Oke. Dari pada ni voucher bersemedi terlalu lama di dalam my mystic box , mending gue beliin aja. Karena ini voucher untuk ke Jarir, semacam toko buku, ya gue beliin buku. Hahaha. Oke. Karena gue belum punya novel berbahasa planet inggris [untuk kedua kalinya] ini, jadi gue penasaran untuk beli lagi dan nyoba baca, apa gue nyambung kagak. Secara pernah beli sekali pas ada acara buku di sekolah lama, dan... gue ga tertarik untuk membacanya lagi seketika gue melihat kata-kata aneh itu berjemur ria di tiap halaman. Great.

Novel yang gue beli ini emang ga baru-baru amat. Udah gue incer dari sebelum liburan musim panas 2009 lalu. Nyaris gue beli di Gramed tapi kagak jadi2. Hahaha. Oke, kebetulan gue ngeliat di Jarir, ywdah gue beli aja. Tadinya gue mau beli "Message in The Bottle", tapi kata adek gue beli "My Sister's Keeper" aja. Oke, karena gue anaknya yg lumayan plin plan dan perasaan gampang g enak, ywdah gue turutin. Dan kebeli juga deh akhirnya! Heee :D.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Loker Rusak


Hari ini bener-bener ga berjalan mulus seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Loker gue rusak! UH! Rusaknya pas istirahat ke 2. Pas gue abis dari atas ke bawah, Fatin bilang kalo loker gue udah kebuka. I was like, WHOT? Oke, gue langsung k tkp. Dan emang bener loker gue udah rusak. Gue udah kayak yang sebel, marah, ah pokoknya emosi banget. D coba d betulin nggak bisa. Gila. Ywdah gue pindahin barang-barang gue ke loker Cut untuk sementara. Untung aja hp gue ga d apa-apain. Abis itu kebetulan ada guru yang biasa ngurus-ngurus gitu deh. Ywdah gue bilang aja ada org yg ngerusakin loker gue terus gue butuh yang baru. Besok deh gue mintanya.

Hmmm, tentang pelakunya, gue yakin banget nih pasti kerjaan org-org arab ga waras itu. Grrrhh, emang sinting mereka tuh. Sok-sokan banget. Mana lebaybaybay lagi. Cih.

Oke, semoga bsk berjalan lancar dan gue bisa dapetin loker baru. Amiiin .


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bangun Jam 11 Malam


Tadi sore, tepatnya petang, gue baru balik dari Al-Khor. Ada cerdas cermat gitulah. Terus pulang-pulangkan udah magrib, yaudah gue istirahat terus sholat terus TIDUR. Itu skitar setengah 7an. Gue suruh nyokap bangunin pas Isya, dengan niat pengen sholat Isya dulu lalu lanjut tdr. Emang sih tinggal beberapa menit lagi, tapi sayangnya mata gue udah ga tahan. Mungkin, nyokap gue bangunin dan mungkin gue udah sholat Isya. Tidur lagi deh.

Bangun-bangun lagi jam 11an malem. Nyokap ada di dapur lagi bikin apa gitu. Gue tanya apa gue udah dibangunin pas Isya. Katanya sih iya. Apa mungkin karena tidur gue yang terlalu lama atau gimana, kok perasaan gue kayak ga yakin gitu. Hmmm, yaudah karena gue laper, gue makan dulu deh bikin burger2an sendiri. Hahaha. Abis itu sholat Isya, udah jam 12 kurang 15 menitan gitu deh. Hmmm oke, gue malah jadi ga ngantuk lagi skrg. Ah, bagus. Padahal hari-hari sebelumnya gue udah bertekad dengan adanya cerdas cermat ini, otomatis gue pulang cape dan malemnya bs tidur cepet. Tp sayangnya gue tdr kcepetan. Hahaha.

Ya, ga tau deh ya bakal balik tdr lagi jam berapa nih gue. Ada kemungkinan sih ntr jam 4an. Uh, mana besok sekolah lagi. Ck.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Mau Nulis Apa Ga Tau


Hmmm oke. Ga tau deh mau nulis tentang apa. Lagi blank. Hidup biasa-biasa aja seperti normal-normalnya kemarin. Tidur lewat tengah mlm dan bangun siang-siang bolong. Oh, bagus. Gila. Uh, ga jelas ya? Emang. Gue juga sadar kok ini ga jelas-jelas. Hahaha. Lagi bosen mampus edan ga ada kerjaan. Tadi sih ada, tapi udah cape. Sekarang mau ngapain coba. Ck. Mungkin bentar lagi nih perut gue bakal keroncongan untuk kesekian kalinya. Buka kulkas mau goreng apa coba. Mamam tuh oksigen. *Hammpphhh!* glek.

Oke. Menurut jam laptop gue, 4 menit lagi udah jadi besok, Jumat, hari kedua di awal tahun 2010. Sekarang tinggal 3 menit lagi. Bagus, countdown asik nih kayaknya.

11:57 PM

11:58 PM

11:59 PM

12:00 AM

Akhirnya! Selamat datang 2 Januari. Hahaha.
Maklumin aja kalo misalkan tanggal gue nge post ini masih 1 Januari ;) .


Welcome 2010


Yuhuuu! New Year! I feel like time runs too fast. Today is the first day of 2010. Cool ~
Hope this year would be as great as 2009 or even greater. Some current always-wishes are:

1. Happiness
2. Focus in studying
3. Be more careful in taking decisions and see the risks.

Well yeah, I will of course wish more but haven't think of any yet.

"Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it is called present," - uncertain origin.

Sorry, just got confused when searched about who made this quote. Found some names but couldn't think of a sure one. Besides, I somehow couldn't get what the explanation said about.
