You know, it has been months since the become fan button appears nd booming throughout the facebook. Become fan is no more to be a fan but instead to be agreed with the statement stated. I somehow try not to click become fan buttons too much nowadays. It's kinda useless. I only click to those that I really agreed.
Here are some fans that I agree but I don't click ;)
I put things in a safe place and then forget where the safe place is
I hate it when someone you love loves another person =((
Behind every smile there's a message that u will never understand
Do not read this!! You will be kissed on the nearest - oh shut up!
"Imma tell you one time..." Liar. You said that at least 25 times!
I delete the whole password when I type a single letter wrong
I wait for people to add me, and when they dont I always end up adding them
Making your font bigger so it looks you've written more
1%...2%...3%... *an hour later* 99%....DOWNLOAD FAILED, try again? -_-
"you're disturbing my lesson" yeah well, you're disturbing my conversation
Get real. No one is going to form a single line if the building on FIRE
I hate it when I do something amazing and no one sees it
I love the feeling of accomplishment after finishing all your homework
I miss you. The old you. The new one sucks
oh great now that song's stuck in my head all day and i only know 1 line
I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!
How is mr crab's daughter a whale?
Hearing your voice on camera, and asking "do i really sound like that?!"
getting a message, and thinking "how do i reply to that ."
I love you, But I can't tell you because you don't feel the same way... :(.
:) :D :P :@ ;) :'( :') :O :S :L - What would we do without them??
When I'm alone in my house + hear a noise, I presume I'm going to be killed.
Programme not responding.End Now..End Now..Get OFF my SCREEN. Frozen. ARGH!
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real,then you woke up and it wasn't?
You piss me off so much, I just wanna hit you with a brick.
In times of need, I can always depend on Wikipedia.
i am very angry at you dont you dare make me laugh.
Wow, That Just Ruined My Day..
The Moment Of Glory When You Find Out Everyone Hates The Person You Hate
Having secret nicknames for people you hate.
S [H E] B E [L I E] V E [D].
i wish i could go back in time and make everything alright! :/.
Shut up, stop acting like you have problems to get attention
Real Friends are not ur Friends when they talk about u n stab u in the back.
"what do you see in him?"..."everything you dont." ♥.
The best times in life are when you are with your best and truest friend.
I pretend to be ok and I keep a smile on my face but Inside Im dying.
There are still more left, I'm just tired to copy-paste them down here. :D