Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rutinitas disini


Alhamdulillah gue udah nyampe di indo tepatnya tanggal 20 sore. Wuih seneng bgd deh hhe. Kalo udah di indo, ada bberapa rutinitas yang mau ga mau seneng ga seneng kudu dilakuin. 
1. Pake lotion nyamuk.
Satu2nya cara ampuh kalo ga mau bentol2 dan lecet2 dan luka2 dan merah2 kulit lo.
2. Mandi air dingin
Bwwrrr, beneran deh, sumpah dingin bgd. Pasalnya, kalo d Qatar kan ada heater yg bs d andelin buat ngangetin aer, nah dsini, mau ngerebus aer sepanci juga kurang :( yg ada buang2 waktu aja.
3. No internet at all
Mau ngenet? Ke warnet.
4. No safety outside the door
Musti hati2 dan ga bs berkelakuan layaknya d Qatar.

But overall, gue suka Indonesia. Muahhh


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Minggu ini=EXAM!


Pelajaran pertama di hari pertama adala bahasa inggris. Ga tau mau blajar apa -_-, ngerjain past papers deh jadinya. Senin fisika dan bahasa prancis. Selasa math dan akutansi. Rabu ekonomi dan biologi. Kamis komputer!
Doain semua berjalan lancar dan baik2 aja. Smoga apa yg gue pelajari pd berguna! Hahaha. Wish me luck too ;). Amiiin.
Semakin cepat semakin baik.
Summerrrrr, 20 June baby <3


Dare Enough?


I'm talking behind? Fine, I DO! Aren't you doing the same? Huh? Stop being the innocent one, you are so not professional at it. You make yourself look pathetic.
And now you are asking, why don't I say everything in front of you? What will happen if I do? I bet you will cry and filling my twitter home with all your omg words. Because I still know that we are friend, still. Because I hate to break friendship. Because I know pretty well those feelings you got when your friend betrays you. Because that hurt so much and I never wish anybody, as well as me,  to get that feelings again. And that's why I never reveal anything as in face-to-face.
What if I reverse the question, why don't you say everything in front of me? What reasons will you give? Or you dare to do it?
