Thursday, September 30, 2010

She left the school !


Gawd! Our new homeroom teacher left the school by next week! Man, I know I dont like her, but I didnt mean to wish her to be out :(. So gonna miss her. Be well, miss <3


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Woah, not that great


Tomorrow is just the beginning of the second week of school and yet hws already in hand. Not a lot, just enough to drown you to the bottom. Esp english, crap.

Oh and we got a new homeroom teacher. She talked a lot, very a lot. She seemed like don't want us to have free registration time, although sometimes she gave. So we had like a topic for this week, GOALS. What's the goal in your life? Damn, why do you so care about it? And guess what, we have to submitt the first term goal paper by tomorrow! Gawd, what else she will talk about this coming week?


Saturday, September 18, 2010

School Tomorrow


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! School tomorrow! I wish I could postpone tomorrow, make it next month ;). I seriously dont feel like having a summer holiday! It's still hot hot hot and damn humid here, and I have to let go my glory morning for school's sake? I want my glory morning until tomorrw and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... mmrow... row.... ow...w.

I dont want school! I hate school! It's stressing me out and causing a pain in my life. A big freaking pain! Well, I admit, it causes few happiness, few. Grhhh, I hate hate hate hate hate school! The only time I love school is when it announces "tomorrow is summer holiday!" and that's the last day of school. I hate to go through the whole year, studying and making me sick of memorizing. Though I'll gain knowledges and have a future, still school is a hell on earth! 90% of my life hates school.

Tomorrow is gonna be a beginning for another painful year. A more one perhaps.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Out of Indonesia by Tomorrow


Hiks :(
Besok balik k qtr, zomg! Ga rela bener gue ninggalin Indo :(. Kurang kurang kurang summer ini kurang bgd! I need more more more! Summer ini rasanya tuh cepet bgd, ga kerasa July udah lewat. Cepet banget sih!!! Gregetan deh gue. Hiks, ogah bgd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ga mau gue balik k Qtr. Hell ya malesin bgd! Arghhh. 

Satu kata buat summer taun ini: kecepetan! Well yea walo rada enak cz bs k Dufan, but still kecepetan! Kalo taun kmren 2009 enak bgd, full of jln2. Kemarennya lg 2008 getirnya dunia persahabatan tuh kerasa, kekompakan ngurus 17an, fun! Kemarennya lg 2007, jd panitia 17an tuk pertama kali, awesome experince.
Overall, baru 2010 dpt kesan g bagus. Ada bagusnya sih, tp ah yg paling kerasa tuh kecepetannya!

1 hari beberapa jam lagi, I'll be out from my lovely gorgeous heaven.