Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Summer Holiday 2011 Stories


So yeah, I seriously didn't notice that it has been about 6 months I haven't update this blog. The main reason is that I have no idea of what to post, and I can't post something way too personal here. 

What Imma gonna do now is that I'm going to summarise up how was my last summer holiday went on. Here we go the stories...

I felt the heaven atmosphere already when the plane landed off, oh the wind and sound I'd been longing for so long. This was what I wanted, this was the excitement I kept waiting for. It wouldn't be any great if not in Indonesia <3.

Skip the blahblah, so this girl named Ica, she went to sleepover at my house for three days because we were gonna make the elementary school reunion and I agreed to come with her to GJUI (A Japanese festival at UI) the next day after the reunion with Dokuritsu (A Japanese community at Serang). We actually gonna book the place at KFC, so instead of Ica and I alone go to KFC and ask the man there, we decided to asked some guys to come with us. Rinaldy and Bima agreed to come and we gonna use Rinaldy's motorcycle and mine, but Bima gonna drive it because I'm so not an expert at it. BUT, the shitty thing was that when it was almost the time for us to go, Bima's numbers seemed to be dead or something. He wasn't around, so yeah it was unfortunate, Ica and I had to go alone. It was not really okay, it was so freaking annoying! We thought that we could save the transport costs, but uh nevermind!

So after we arrived at KFC, and after some time of brain twisting, we decided not to book and just directly put all the chairs and tables together tomorrow. It all went so well. The man helped us to move the chairs and tables together. After everyone came, well not really everyone, Ica and I decided to go down and made orders (we were in the second floor). We brought the foods and drinks upstairs, and the problem came. It was the changes. Man, I was so confused who ordered this and that, how much the change for this person and that person. There are some orders which weren't ordered and shit I had to pay for that. There was this girl named Devi, she hadn't get her change and the change I got according to bill was already spread to others and no left. So, the more shitty was I had to give her the change with my OWN money! It was 10000 something! Grrr, I was somehow mad at that time but I couldn't blame to specific one because I didn't know who made some fcking idiot play behind the orders. Anyway, apart from that, this reunion was deadly amazing!

Come to the next way, GJUI. The bus arrived to Cilegon around 8, so Ica and I had to wake up in the morning. After from GJUI, Imma gonna sleepover at Ica's house because we gonna arrived back at night, so I was way to scared to travel using angkot to home. Since the bus stopped at Serang first, thats why Imma just gonna sleepover at Ica's house because she lives in Serang. I was wearing my new wedges which I just bought the day before after the reunion, it was kinda awkward because I was the only one wearing wedges in the bus :/. Anyway, what can I do about that? This is what I wanna wear. Don't like it? Don't see it.

There was something special from this GJUI. There was this guy who was also in the bus, and blahblahblah I'm sure anyone who read this post understand what I mean ;)

GJUI was great! I took tons of photos with the cosplayers there. I also ate Ramen which cost quite heavy, but worth it! I love GJUI!

Alright, other than those two events, I went to Trans Studio Bandung which was so booming at that time. This place did a great promotion! Like totally. It was okay, not that bad. Roller Coaster is a must-to-try! Woooh the wind and the speed, just couldn't escape them!

There are many other places I'd been to like those malls in Cilegon, which were still the same for years, Cinema 21 < the only cinema we have in town, but man when it comes to popular movies, the lines can be matched with the lines of those queueing football match tickets. There are some places which I just knew this year, KJ, Bapor, Palm, Takol < these are the "nongkrong" places. There are also some times when I went out with some people, or specifically someone I wished I could go out with, and yeah it happened more than once, more than one person also obviously ;). 

Summer 2011 was full of romance. Trust me!


ups. I think this is the longest post I've ever made so far. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011



inget ga gue pernah post kata PICIS? kalo ga inget buka dah link ini:

disitu gue sebut kalo picis tuh artinya duit. emang bnr kok artinya duit! picis tuh ternyata bahasa cilegon! wk, gue aja baru tau! waktu ntu gue tanya nyokap artinya picis tuh paan, katanya duit bahasa cilegon. 

tapi aneh sih, picis? kayaknya jauh bgd gitu untuk diartikan uang. picis picis picis picis picis haha


PS. buat yg ga tau duit tuh apa nih gue kasih gambar duit LANGKA:

jaman sekarang 1 rupiah? beli kerikil juga cuma dpt seperempat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

pissed off


You pissed me off! again! seriously! :@
from now on, i assume that you are DEAD khalasss you no more exist! screw you, dont you even kno how much i'm longing for it? damn freaking much and you seem dont care at all! i hate the truth that i always trust you. nd i hate the truth that you betray my trust!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Wishlist !


Okay, so, i think i need to write down some new items in my wishlist. My last wishlist was probably months ago. It had been stressing months of studying for mock which finally ends up TODAY! Yeay, lol. Hm, lately I've been thinking of some old-crossed-out-items to be brought up again and get written down asap! or else, i might forget them :s. The thing is, I cant buy ALL of them at once, unfortunately, I've to go one by one. But geeeeez I cant wait to own all of them! They are just too precious <3. Im currently saving up money, well not currently tho I do this like ever since. Hm, kay, so, yea, lol, gotta write them down now :).

ps. holiday > freedom of everything.


Friday, January 14, 2011

tau ga sih gue lagi bosen


tau ga sih gue lagi bosen


ps. tau ga sih gue lagi bosen

Thursday, January 13, 2011

13 January


Today is 13 of January again.
-.- it feels sooooo different from three yrs ago.
i miss how today used to be.


Friday, January 7, 2011

SD's Diary: Kabar Menyenangkan dan Tidak [Edited]


- Aite. Another share. Masih ada hubungannya dikit nih soal pramuka2an. -

8.10 pm, Selasa, 4 April 2005

Waduh... gimana nih gue udah jarang ngisi diary, sorry ya... ya mau gimana lagi.
Hari adalah hari [?] yg tdk terlalu istimewa [bhs gueee -.-]. Hari minggu tgl 3 April 2005 [eh? ga salah?] gue + keluarga shoping ke Ramayana [nama mall]. gue beli isi vile [file mksdnya] 1 pck harganya rp.3000. isinya 25 lembar kiki asli tebelllll lho [cpd -.-]. yg 8 bentuk pink, 8 bentuk biru [apasih nih lengkapnyaaa]. biasa tebel pink, biasa tebel warni. bagus deh [yeah so proud of it]
Si Mutia [adek gua] jg udah punya binder gambarnya dobby [bukan dobby harpot] kalo aku forever friend teddi bear [aje gile dah]
Selama ini hidupku [puitis amat] tdk begitu menyenangkan [asli no edit format kata2nya]. contohnya saja:
1. H ngejauhin gue dket ama A
2. Gue sering dimarahin ortu [masa? gue lupa ya.]
3. Minggu gue duduk bareng Al [cowok] tp pindah ama S. si Al ama Ad. [apa coba yg tidak menyenangkan dr ini? seinget gue si Al itukan anaknya nyebelin.]
4. Pas les kan latihan mtk, gua kagak bisa, 52% gila tuuuuh
5. Uang jajan mulai menurun [beneran deh, demi beli nasduk yg ngantri bak antrian tiket final aff lalu, gue musti bisa dapetin uang jajan lebih dr 1000! waktu itu tuh nasduk ada yg 500 atau yg 1000. maka dikarena itu, supaya bs jajan yg lain, gue butuh lebih! wk]
6. Uang 50000 dr papa tinggal 25000 [jumlah yg cukup besar]

Berita menyenangkan:
1. H mulai deketin gue [baca: sahabat]
2. Mungkin tmn se geng terima nari lagu pudar [lagunya si Rossa] tp pake picis gue
3. Uang kas sedikit2 lunas lho
4. Gue bisa tukeran vile sama si Tia [yg notabenenya adek gua sendiri]
5. Persediaan gue lumayan [ntah persediaan apa]

O...ya skrg gue jarang pramuka lho. waduh gimana niii ya... apalagi gue jadi ketua. wah gue takut kena marah ni ama pembina. Ya insya Allah jumat ini pramuka. gue juga kesel setiap gue telpon pramuka/kaga jawabannya: terserah, insya Allah, kalo kamu pramuka aku juga [pret], nggak ah, males. BT BANGET GUE!

- Wk, kalo inget masa2 itu rasanya pengen ngulang lagi dan gue ga akan pernah mengajukan diri untuk jadi ketua lagi! -


SD's Diary: Dilema Ketua Pramuka [Edited]


- Bakalan share lagi nih setelah setaun absen. Setelah membaca beberapa entry di diary jadul gue dan menimbang2 mana yg wajar untuk gue post, gue jatuhkan pilihan pada Dilema Ketua Pramuka. Cekidot. -

Senin, 17 Januari 2005

[gue kelas 5]
O...ya aku ada rencana untuk ganti anggota. smoga berjalan sukses. Nah, gue kasih tau nih apa aja isi rencananya, yuk balik [ceritanya di halaman sebelah]

1. Tukar anggota regu Matahari
2. Ajak kelompok diskusi persetujuan kecuali anak yg mau dikeluarin

[gue lagi mau tuker anggota antar regu karena isu apalah gue lupa wk]

Isi persetujuan:
1. kalo sudah 10 kali tidak masuk denda 2000
2. Kalo sudah 10 kali berbuat kesalahan dikeluarin
3. kalo sudah 10 kali tidak bayar kas selama 1 bulan bayar 500 [perak doang booo]
4. kalo tidak ikut kegiatan seperti camping, pawai, pokoknya kayak gitu tanpa alasan yg jelas, di denda 1000 [1000 adalah jumlah yg lumayan bos dulu]

Masalah tukar:
1. diskusi
2. buat rencana

Isi rencana:
1. yakinkan si S, V, dan D keluar
2. Setelah mau, buat persetujuan dengan Matahari
3. Pastikan Matahari mau [maksa]

Caranya: [komplit bgd guaaa!]
1. Ngomong ke ketua Matahari [regu gue Nusa Indah] kalo disuruh gue tuker anggota dan semua setuju [bos mode:ON]
2. Kalo ngebantah [galaaak], gue blg "tapikan regu kamu kaga pernah masuk jadi biar ada yg masuk elu terima aja mereka dan si H, N jarang bgd masuk bahkan cm sekali jadi plis ya. gue mohon." Kalo masih ngebantah musyawarah [beeeh merakyat bgd katanya]. regu matahari katakan setuju/tidak setuju kalau H dan N keluar. [mksdnya mereka dituker dgn S, V, dan D]. regu Nusa Indah tinggal hitung [?]. nah... otomatis byk pilih kagak setuju. abis itu gini nih,  "jadi mending gini H dan N masuk ke gue sampe semester 2 usai abis itu los mau lo gimanain. Iya mb kenapa ya udh kalo gitu elu masih ngotot gue laporin ke Pak Aan dan Pak Ubay ngerti lo." [galaaak bosss]
3. Kalo ngotot lapor
4. Tinggal nunggu keputusan

- Great. Emang ya jadi ketua regu tuh rada riwet urusannya. Look, gue pas pemilihan ketua, sangat sangat dengan sukarela mengajukan diri! Hm, emang sih pd dasarnya gue tertarik untuk jadi ketua. Terusss, masalah terjadi pas gue pulang ke rumah. Bokap gua malah nakut2in gue kalo jadi ketua tuh kudu tegas dll blah yg intinya gue tuh penting setengah mampus. ditambah nyokap yg nyetujuin juga. SIAL BANGET. gue langsung down dan NELPON anggota yg lain untuk menyerahkan jabatan gua! Gila booo gue ampe nangis cuma gara2 gitu doang! gue telpon tuh anak2 yg nomornya gue punya, anjrit pd ga mauuu! Beeeh, dgn sukses gue merasa bersalah menjadi ketua. -




Just watched Tangled today and it was AMAZING. A typical love story cartoon. Rapunzel's hair was like zomg longgg! Seriously! Lol. Well I thought it wasn't that much long. It was a greaaat movie!


Btw, this first weekend of the year is truly coool ;) The best ever (so far).

Saturday, January 1, 2011



Guess whooot? Today is 1111 !




I love you. You love me. Thank you. Bye.
I will love you. You love me already. Be nice. Hello.
