Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009


Today, 31 of December 2009, is the last day of the year. So yeah, a new year is coming. 2009 means a lot to me. To be honest, it's my another wonderful year. I just know or ummm think or yea had some various feelings toward anything everything. I just realize how colorful life is. Life won't consist of happiness and laughs and joys at all the time. It will sometimes consist of sadness and cries and tears and will end up in giving up. Well, I guess, that's how life goes.

[...] My life was so messed up with no one knowing it. Not because I don't want to share my stories but just because I don't trust anyone. I don't trust anyone as in fully trusting. Keep that in mind, fully trusting. I do trust some people, I'm not so selfish that I think I can go through all the problems by myself. I do need people's helps. A lot.

Oh, happiness. Why are you so rare? Ummm I mean, why is it so hard to get you? 2009's happiness was quite great. Just because it's hard to get, so once I get, it's great! Happiness, okay, something that I always dream for starting this year since I've learnt how the real happiness should go like.

I love 2009.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Here we go those firsts:
1. First as the earlier-er : Ms. Najat
2. First on the date [Indo time] : Annissa
3. First on the date [Qtr time] : Indri
4. First as the late-er : sorry, I forgot to see who's on this. I noticed the time but I forgot to see the name :(

Thanks to all of you guys who wished me happy birthday. 102 people wished me, thanks a lot. There might be more but I missed. Thanks for the presents. I love them and I will try to keep them as long as I can. Thanks thanks thanks again. Love you people.


Sunday, December 27, 2009



Now is 27! 12:00 !
Wooo, I'm 16. Hahaha .
Bye 15. I love you.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last Day of Being 15


Tonight, I'm turning 16. A new age life will soon begin. Ahhh, feel like the time goes too fast. As my age increases, I don't feel so much differences. I'm still as me like this. Just hope my life will get better and more happiness to come :) !

I will probably write lots of small notes on papers today. I will miss my 15. A truly colorful age. Seriously, it's hard to to forget even though I had already forget some. I love my 15.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Four Entries For Birthday


I made four kind of entries for my birthday for those who wish me first .
1. First as the earlier-er
2. First on the date [Indo time]
3. First on the date [Qtr time]
4. First as the late-er [who say it a day after my birthday, according to my zone time.]

Well. I would like to post the name, of course, for those firsts. Hahaha, wanna have something interesting this year since I don't really get excited for my birthday. I know it seems so silly but I like it.

Curiousity is in on the way now...

Can't wait to see.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

27, It's Getting Closer


Three more days and I lose my another year. Exactly on this 27, is my birthday. I don't really get excited this year, no idea why. Seriously, I don't feel like having a birthday. Not because I get no special gift, but ummm yeah I don't know. I grow up now, I need to be more matured.

Birthday is actually losing a year to live. Realise this, each year, your age is added, but at the same time your chance to live decreases, right ? So it means you lose a year to live. We all are getting older, not younger. This is a real fate.

I don't want to lose my another year. I want this 27 to be postponed. I don't want to be this soon. I really need more days.

However, birthday doesn't mean a sad day to cry for at all. It is a happy day, too! We are still given a chance to live till this much old. Right ?

Oia, and I'm curious who is gonna say a happy birthday to me, the first one after or on 00:00 27 December 2009 !


Old School's Foundation Day


Yuhuuu, just came back from attending my old school's foundation day. It was quite fine. I saw some of my old classmates there. They had not change, still the same, as in appearances.

At 5 something in the evening, the show began. People started to scramble in front of the stage to take videos or pictures. It was annoying, really! I couldn't see anything, and I guess the same thing happen to people behind me. Since many people blocked the view from the front side, so some people in front of me stood up as well. And of course, I totally can't see anything now. As the show continued, most of the people in front stood up. So do I. I didn't really care about the people behind me. But I thought they were also standing. Hahaha.

The first performance was from KG1. They danced to Wonder Girls's Nobody. Hahaha, it was so damn funny! Unfortunately I didn't take the video of it because I couldn't find my camera at home. They were like robots! Very awkward. Their movements were too stiffs. Hahaha, sooo funny !

Then, when it's my sister's turn, it was quite interesting to watch. They danced to African Dance. I tried to take the video of it, but failed. Why? Because of all those heads in front of me. I was standing but still. Mom asked to go to the front but I don't want. Heheheee.
When she finish dancing, she came to us. I told her that I didn't take the video or even a picture. She felt disappointed, I knew that. But, yeah, what can I do? :D




She cries whenever she remembers her pasts. She wipes her tears everyday. She laughs for some unfunny jokes. She tries to act normal. She smiles when someone she likes walk by. She hates some people that close to her. She likes humour a lot, but she often create one. She holds the stair-handle when she walks down or up. She hides all her pains behind. She shows fake smiles, mostly. She wants to scream but she can't. She doesn't like to be ignored, but she is being ignored. She attempts to connect to the conversation, but she always fail. She loves to see people around her happy, although she hates the people. She wants to be someone. She keeps all her true stories alone. Whoever is she, she might be someone near you.


Jam 3 Belum Tidur Juga


Gila! Sekarang udah mau jam 3 pagi. Parahnya gue belum tidur2 juga. Ah! Kacau, pola tidur gue balik berantakan lagi! Ntar begitu tidur bangun2 jam setengah 12an siang. PARAH BANGET! Gini caranya, pola idup gue ga sehat lagi. Ckckckck. Harus berubah!




I felt like you had a magnet that can pull me closer anytime. Not even a single day without looking at you. You stole my time and gave no rewards but laughs. You smiled that smile, freezed me immediately. I couldn't move a step, my eyes were stopped blinking. I became a human statue. You talked to me, it melt my heart for real. I fell too deep in this. There is no way of turning back. Your traps are too strong to be rejected. You hypnotized me, again.


Monday, December 21, 2009



I heard it once, wait or twice? the closest one to my ears. you had such a lovable voice and i like it. i wanna hear it more, more, and more. i can't believe it that your voice could fly me up to the sky. spun me around and blown away all my minds.
if i can hear your voice again, i really want to record it so that i can hear it everyday. honestly i can't escape from this sweet trap and i love it.


Finding Happiness


I believe that everyone deserves happiness. but when to deserve it, is a question. it can be suddenly happen or with a long patient waiting. i do experience that. a long patient waiting one. for years, i got stuck in a dim world. less happiness, seriously. i almost gave up with all my hopes, where actually i can stand for them. everything blinded, i couldn't see anything. my life was hopeless. but i tried not to give up in any ways. it was hard, very hard. i had to stay in a world full of tears and sadness. i must face them. i couldn't run away. it's what called by life.

however, there would be a time where bad life will change. even though i need to wait for years. hard work is needed to reach what we aim. and my aim, happiness. i found it. although it's not a perfect one, but at least i got it. i'm trying to find more and more. i'm trying to recover all pains within this happiness. to recover them, needed another hard work. and so life continues. more challenges to come.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Someone2 itu Lo !


Ufff, selama ini gue slalu nyebut nama orang-itu someone2. ya, biar ga ketawan aja . ga enak dong kalo ktawan , haha , apalagi klo mpe d dgr tetangga kanan kiri [tmn2] , bah , dah jadi rumor bru . tapi lama kelama2an ko kayaknya dah bosen gini ya? ckckck.

yeah, cuma pgn lo tau dan nyadar aja , kalo someone2 itu sebenernya lo ! nyadar ! wake up, boy !


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sabar, Meth !


Uh! benci benci benci benci benci ! gue baru aja keluar dari neraka, berharap nemuin h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s , tapi tebak apa yang gue temuin ?
anjrit, gue akuin gue emang udah nemu, tapi semua ga berlangsung lama.
they become part of my life, yes i admit that. tapi terkadang mereka itu nyebelin! uh, benci!
sekarang gue ngebenci, tapi gue ga bisa bilang kalo gue bakal benci mereka beberapa hari kedepan. jujur, tanpa mereka, my life back to how-the-hell-is .
tapi nyebelinnya kadang mereka tuh bercandanya kelewatan ! nyerocos aja terus padahal nih tangan udah ga sabar pengen nampar . tapi apa respon gue ? gue cuma ikut2an ketawa aja padahal ketawa apaan gue justru pengen marah ! sabar , sumpah, musti sabar banget .


Monday, November 9, 2009

Secret Told, By Mistake


hahaha, will you laugh to death when you just found your friend's secret? you didnt ask for it, but your friend told you by mistake? HAHAHA. then he/she will give quick reply," shhh... dont tell anyone ok?" HAHAHA.


A Sweet Memory


do i change these times? no, i dont. ...a person changed it. but it's over now. the game is over. well, ABOUT to over. i wish i could play more, but a person might say no. i have no choice but to say, ok. it's just a time matter.

although the time wants us to be away, and as days pass, we wont know each other so well. everything will fade, no shadows left. you might not-be-my-special anymore, but you will remain as my sweet memory.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stars In A Jar


stars in a jar
evidence for how many days i know you
i count them and find out that,
they are almost more than 30 stars
a month
i close the jar
put it beside my laptop
see it everyday
wondering until when,
do i have to keep making a star each day...


Thursday, November 5, 2009

After Long Time No Post


Haha, iya nih ya udah lama banget ga ngepost. abis mau ngepost apa juga bingung sih. haha, sebenernya ada sih yg mau di post, sesuatu yang menarik. but i prefer not to. haha knp? ya sengaja aja , abis kalo kebaca sama orangnya, ga seru lagi dong. HAHAHA.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Art Works


gambar 1: origami crane . rada susah , ribet , bikinnya. ngelipet2nya itu lhooo . hha.
gambar 2 & 3: ya tulisan "this is my room" yg gue dapet dr sbuah website berbulan2 yg lalu dan emang udah nempel d tembok gue berbulan2 yg lalu juga. haha . hasil yg gue bikin sama originalnya, agak beda2 dikit. 90% mirip deh. asiiik . haha.

Handmade Ribbon


haha, lucu ya? lucukan lucukan? :D
sebenernya itu pita berasal dari baju adek gue yg udah ga muat. awalnya buat gue, tp klamaan d simpen d lemari, akhirnya di pake lap sama nyokap . eh , pulang dr indo, gue inget ttg pitanya . untung aja msh bagus blom robek2. haha gue copot aja dari bajunya. truz jahit tengahnya abis itu masukin deh ke bando polos. hahaha.
gara2nya sih, cuz d indo nyari bando pita gede , tp ga ketemu , bikin sendiri deh jadinya. hihi.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mencari Pedagang Kebahagiaan


Kalo ada pedagang yang menjual bahagia, bener, gue pengen beli.
Lagipula meth ngapain lo beli bahagia? bukannya di sekeliling lo adalah kebahagiaan?
SALAH. kata siapa? sumpah, less bahagia bgd disini.
Lo punya smuanya, lo tinggal sebut, tunggu, dan tercapai. what else yg lo butuh?
Yg gue butuh? gue butuh kebahagiaan.
Kebahagiaan gmn mksd lo? kan lo udah punya.
NGGAK. belum.
Oke, terus dimana lo bisa temui pedagang kebahagiaan itu? dunia imajinasi? wake up, meth!
Gue tau ko. iya, dunia imajinasi, mungkin.
Haha, mungkin... mungkin lo bakal jadi gila!
That's better kalo gue bahagia.
Lo punya dunia normal, meth. ngapain sih lo buat stress gini? let it flow aja.
Ga bisa. kalo apa2 let it flow terus, kpn perubahannya?
Ya kan seiring waktu berjalan.
Tau ah. pokoknya, gue nyari pedagang kebahagiaan.
Duh, sadar dong! lo masih normalkan?
Kebahagiaan itu ga bisa dibeli, tapi musti lo cari. lo kudu berusaha, kalah dulu itu wajar, kebahagiaan akan muncul suatu saat.
Suatu saat? WHEN?
Ya, when when lah. gue juga ga tau. tp stiap org pasti bakal bahagia.
Pasti? Yakin lo? atau main songong aja lo?
Ya sorilah. Udah, nasehat gue, mending lo bawa santai idup lo. nikmatin yg bisa lo nikmatin. kalo ada masalah, sabar. gue tau perasaan lo pasti ga enak, tp sbuah masalah itu pasti bakal ada ujungnya.
Oke. get it.
Tp msalah itu datangnya bertubi2. terus gimana? apa msh sabar? lo pikir gue pabrik sabar?
Ya ga juga. knp ga curhat? kan bs dpt solusi. dpt support pula lagi.
Curhat? ngapain curhat klo ga di tanggepin? ditanggepin juga paling cm satu jam. bsk, lupa.
Lo pinter2 dong milih tmn curhat. besties lo gitu.
I kno lah.
Jadi masih nyari pedagang bahagia?


Too Much


too much faces. too much feelings. too much differents. too much sounds. too much actions. too much words. too much eyes. too much sins. too much tears. too much jealousies. too much songs. too much attacks. too much lies. too much likes. too much loves. too much wants. too much hopes.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

You Love Her? I Hate You [less]


i kno whats happening, dont think im a frozen living creature. i can see what-is-a-reaction. your eyes meet hers, everything disappear. i kno that. but one thing you need to kno. the more you want her, the more i force myself to move back.


See Me Once


see me once, talk to me and say that you love me, then you can disappear forever


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oh, Just Realized


everyone's life will have something called challenges. and thats so true. and, oh, i just realized that mines are MORE than theirs. mybe. but thats what i think based on those people around me. they have LESS challenges in life than me. and i can see that. i kno you will think its unfair, but thats what happen. and you wont really care, i see.


Die for A While


Uh, jadi org yg pendiam dan tertutup emang bikin sbuah perasaan tersendiri buat org tersebut. bukan hal yg mudah klo lagi ngadepin sbuah masalah, apalagi masalah yg mpe menggantung berhari-hari, serasa minum racun mematikan yg stuck di seluruh organ. berhenti mengalir, beku. udah kyk mau mati untuk sejenak. tp siapa yg mau ? emang g ada, itu hanya sbuah ungkapan. ungkapan yg menurut gue dalam, bnr2 menggambarkan kondisi org tersebut. bukan karena sakit, tp sbuah masalah. ketika seseorang berada di sbuah pilihan yg sama skali ga ada tanda2 kbaikan untuk dipilih, atau saat sbuah kesalahn kecil sangat kecil yg fatal bgd. org mikir udah kmn2, pdhl masalah itu asli sepele tp g bs disepelekan. bingung ? itu mksdnya. emang buat org tertutup jarang bgd sharing . lbh sering menunjukkan ekspresi sehari2 layaknya ga ada msalah. atau lbh suka untuk menyembunyikan. pdhl mereka sndiri ga bs, ga tau musti apa, buntu. mereka yg akan bingung sendiri. tp emang cm itu yg mereka bisa, nunggu sampe masalahnya slese dan berlega hati. meskipun ntah kata "digantung" itu kpn berkahir. bikin perasan super ga enak. ntah. kalopun mereka akan curhatkan hal ini, ga tentu cara mereka ngomong itu seperti org curhat. mungkin lbh seperti memberikan berita yg akan ditanggapi biasa. dan memang itu maksud mereka. mereka g begitu pgn org tau kehidupan pribadinya.

die for a while, maknai sendiri :)


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

SD's Diary: Sedikit Keberanian [Edited]


- well, ini bukan pas gue SD sih, tp isi diary ini campur sama masa SD. tepatnya yg ini pas SMP. haha. skrg gue bakal share catatan gue. -

9:10 malam. Tuesday. 30-1-2007

Hari ini menurut gue ya... bs dibilang lumayah lah... . tp ttep aja kata bodoh tetap terdengar. benci bgd gue sama si crazy stupid girl itu. gue mpe labrak tuh cewe sialan!!!
ceritanya gue lagi di gang mau kelapangan [lokasi: sekolah], dia dateng terus ngebacot, gue labrak, dia nendang. otomatis gue bales tuh tendangan KERAS banget. kayaknya sih sakit tuh...
tp gila, tendangan dia juga sakit di gue!

suatu hari, pas pelajaran drama, uda lama sih tugasnya di suruh imitate org lagi ngapain gitu. BEGO bangetkan? uh, gue tampil ga maksimal, gara2 malu total! jujur, gue bukan tipe anak yg aktif bisa dibilang lebih pendiem. tapi gpplah, seenggaknya gue dapet sedikit point. haha.
maunya gue jadi orang yang lagi jln2 di corniche [pinggiran pantai] megang es krim, pk kacamata, pk headset, kyk preman! haha. tau dah itu gue kyk gimana, cm jln doang udah. haha geje abis. truz gue jelasin k gurunya apa yang gue lakuin tadi, beres. haha, sumpah, bodoh banget sih!
truz tugas itu slese, tugas bru datang. haha, kocak banget sumpah pgn muntah gue sama yg ini! uwok uwok! kita musti nyanyiin sajak geblek bin oon "The Land of Happy." teksnya happy doang! kyk lagunya olga, hancur hancur hantiku hancur hancur hatiku... hahaha.
disuruh bikin lagu gitu, gue malah baca biasa aj. bodo amet dah yg penting dpt nilai. wkkwkw.

btw, hari ini gue keilangan kamus elektrik gue! kecurigaan gue langsung tertuju sama Reina!!! cewek aneh gila itu [bukan yg gue maksud di paragrap 1]. cuz gue disuruh dduk sama dia, pdhl gue males bgd! ih, Reina? ke laut aja lu sana! :p ! dimakan hiu, gue rela! haha canda, kyk lo ngerti aja gue ngomong apa :p.

Akhirnya keinginan gue untuk stop naik bus skolah tercapai juga. Uh, bus skola apaan tuh, masa ac jln aja kagak, jd musti buka jendela, panas, penuh, GA ENAK!
harusnya sih msh ada besok dan lusa tp gama ndut, adek gue, ngotot mau stop skrg. ywdah ga ada yg bisa ngelawan maunya tuh anak. klo nolak, ntar syaratnya ga mau skolah, beli mainan, kaset ps, ato infinity? [HAHA, INFINITY? ga jls deh lu met]. alesan aja tuh anak bikin org stress berat!

lain kata sama yg satu ini. klo tadi seneng, ini...
tau kan game yg bikin daftar nama truz diacak dan blg stop. masa gue selalu dpt satu nama [sensor] terus! uh, anjrit! tp beneran deh kagak ada ruang tuh... NEVER!!! haha.

- emang sih rada ga jls, tp seenggaknyakan gue share tuh catatan bernilai miliaran rupiah gue! :p . hahaha. -


Dont You Kno ?


Yo, you boy, dont you kno something called love? or yea, like?
i like you, i love you! love, not that much. but, i want to be yours! cmon, open your eyes, see im right here, waiting for your word. say a word TO ME! i kno you and you kno me. even though we're not that close, but we kno our names. i like you but you mybe-not-sure-dont like me. oh, wth is that?! what shud i do so that you can recognize me? tell me, yo. why do you always shut your mouth, whenever we meet? MEET? haha, something so unreal. but thats the fact. it's so uncountable for how many times we see each other. JUST SEE. no a word.
why am i so hopeless like this? i've been liking you for... a year? haha WRONG!
so yeah, just hoping someday you kno my feeling. someday...


Sunday, September 27, 2009

The 14th Post


so yea, the 14th post. people may ask me what do i mean by this. 14, a number, not more than that. but sometimes, for some people, there is A meaning for A number. just like me, 14.
it might be somone's bday, or someone's age, or wtv. for me, its someone's special bday. i guess, some of you, readers, kno who i mean.

he gave me a bunch of tears, smiles, laughs, and joys. he stole my heart, and filled it with memories. i dont kno why whenever i read, or hear, a number: 14, i always remember "him." these three numbers : 11, 13, 14, are all-related-numbers-of-him.

if i could remember you through numbers, then should i fill my room with 111314?
if through numbers is the ONLY way i can do, should i?
cuz missing you is the same as killing myself slowly. and thats...


Liburan : Tiga Bulan-an


haha, ya ampun seneng bgd deh sumpah . skolah d mundurin jd 4 oktober! bused msh ada sminggu full liburan . harusnya sih today masuk. tp goodlah d mundurin :p .
jd liburan summer thn ini udah 2 bulanan LEBIH. ditambah liburan puasa sebulanan.
udah TIGA bulanan lebih! haha edan, d indo mana mau skolah diliburin sebegini lamanya. telor ceplok yg ada. hihihi , untungnya sih liburan tiga bulanan ini pas knaikan kelas, bukan di antara hari2 masuk skola. haha jd nyantai bgd ! :D

tp sumpah, udah bosen ga ketulungan gue d rumah mulu. PENGANGGURAN BANGET !
bete bete ah bete bete ah ...
hahaha, bosen bgd dah.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me Without You


you came and made my days so bright
you entered my life, and turn my face into smile
you cheered me everytime
you are just like my sweet guy

but suddenly you disappear
leaving me with no kiss
is this a fate or a tragedy?
why does my love story like this

thinking of you across the seas
wishing you to see me
my life broken into pieces
love is no more in the air


Sampe Kapan ?


duh, sumpah ya kerasa banget bedanya dengan laptop dan tanpa laptop!
biasanya klo laptop gue bs d pake, seharian full ga full2 amaaat sih, gue bs lebih sering dlm kamar. tp skrg gara2 laptop gue error bin rusak, hari2 gue jd BORING bgd!
kapan ye tuh laptop gue bs SEMBUH?
ya allah, tolongin gue! bnr2 membosankan tanpa laptop nd internet!



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri


yah, walopun rada telat, tapi suasana lebaran masih tercium d smua tempat.
gue cuman pgn, ngucapin minal aidzin walfaidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
gue minta maaf aja ke smua org yg merasa klo gue pernah bikin salah, gue bnr2 minta maaf setulus2nya. ntah kesalahan gue itu d sengaha atau nggak. maaf.
smoga kita smua diberikan berkah dan rahmat juga ridho dari-Nya.

Skali lagi, met lebaran bwt smua yg merayakan.
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H.


September Ceria


september ceria? kok kayak lagu itu ya? haha.
ya, september ini emang penuh bgd sama yg namanya godaan, cobaan, rintangan, halangan, tantangan, dan segala macamnya itu. sumpah, ngelewatinnya bukanlah hal mudah. suweeer!
byk bgd history2 kehidupan gue di september ini. bener-bener byk dan bisa dibilang menyimpan berjuta petualangan. ga berjuta sih mungkin berpuluh. hihi.
ya, pokoknya byk bgd hikmah2 yg bisa gue petik. byk bgd solusi2 yg bisa gue ambil. dan byk bgd masalah2 yg alhamdulillah bisa gue slesein.

september ini emang super manis, pedas, asem, asin, pahit CERITA!
i lov this september bgd deh! walopun byk hal menyakitkan super menyedihkan yg bikin gue super cemas duper kecewa dan s/duper takut. BANYAK BANGET!
pengalaman gue bnr2 bertambah.


Insomnia atau Kelelawar ?


Ntah ini bisa dikatakan insomnia atau bukan, tapi pola tidur gue emang aneh!
gara-gara gue bgadang sampe jam 5an suatu hari, hal itu berlanjut mpe skrg.
apalagi waktu itu pas puasa, jadi males bgd dong seharian bengong. mending molor, iya ga? haha.
ywdah deh gue tidurnya abis subuh mpe siang2.
awalnya mpe siang, tp lama2 mpe sore!

bangun : skitar 3-4 sore sampe subuh
tidur : skitar 5 pagi sampe 3-4 sore

huahaha, kebalik bgdkan? ya gara2 begadang sehari aja, efeknya begini.
tapi kalo udah dipake rutin skola, balik smula lagi.

ntah, gue ini dikategorikan gara-gara insomnia, atau emang kyk pola tdurnya kelelawar?
wkkwkw, parah emang.


Picis , Embe


haha, PICIS? pasti bingung ya picis tuh apa sih?
gue juga awalnya bingung bgd pas baca diary SD gue, dan menemukan kata picis.
setelah gue telusuri dan menemukan kata2 picis di tulisan lainnya, gue mulai menyambungkan kata-kata dan maksudnya.
eh ternyat picis = UANG/DUIT/FULUS
hahaha sumpah gue ngakak baca diary SD gue. wkwkwkwk =))

abis itu gw juga nemuin kata mb dilain tulisan gue nemuin embe.
hahha gue bingung juga nih maksudnya apa.
gue keinget sama iklan sabun colek truz orgnya bilang EMBEEE... hahah bukan embek kambing.
ternyata embe = emang bener/emang
wkwkwkw ngakak lagi gue.
emang ya tulisan jaman dulu sama skrg, brubahnya 10000 kali derajat. hahaha.
embe, picis. wkwkkw.


Laptop Error


uhhh, nyebelin bgd sumpah.
beberapa hari yg lalu, laptop kesayangan gue error. ntah knp. jadi waktu itukan gue nyalain, truz gue masukin passwordnya. nah, loading "welcome" nya itu sumpah lama bgd. ywdah gue copot aja tuh colokannya listriknya, MATI deh.
truz gue coba nyalain lagi, hal sama terjadi. los gue biarin aja.

sorenya, gue coba lagi. nah kan cuz di matiinnya ga properly, jd d suruh milih safe mode, dll, atau yg biasa. gue pilih yg biasa. eh , ke errorannya malah semakin menjadi-jadi. box passwordnya ga kluar, loading k box nya itu luama tenan.
ywdah gue matiin lagi dgn cara yg sama, copot colokan.
truz gue nyalain lagi. gitu terus berulang2.
sampe kluar pilihan untuk fix2 gitu lupa apa tulisannya, pokoknya itu rekomendasi.
gue klik.
nah abis itu ngapa2in gitulah kyk nge-scan tp bukan nge-scan.
ywdah gue tunggu lama bgd, gue tinggal main ps.
truz katanya kyk ada tulisan suruh restore gitu. kembali k saat laptop gue masih biasa/aman/normal/ga gila!
ywdah gue iyain.
setelah memakan waktu loading yg lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... akhirnya bisa.
dan keberhasilan ini juga ga lepas dari pertolongan yg d atas. gue udah doa, minta abis2an, mpe gue mohon supaya idul fitri gue ini bener2 ga ada beban (laptop rusak!). dan syukurnya di kabulin.
smua blum slese sampe disini.
file2 gue nyaris tak gue temukan! awalnya gue pikir ilang.
cuz gue buka document KOSONG. truz gue masukin file2, lagu2, dan foto2 dr USB gue DAN adik gue.
abis itu gue restart.
ya syukur bisa.
file2 yg abis gue masukin td ILANG. huweeeazzz!!! nangis abis2an gue SUMPAH! T.T
truz gue coba search nama file gue. dan alhamdulillah masih ADA!
ywdah gue klik open file location. nah langsung deh gue copas ke usb gue DAN adik gue. huahaha, abis di gue hampir penuh sih. hihi, :D
paling utama tuh ya naskah2 gue, truz foto2 bareng adik, kluarga, teman(ga semua sih :D). ya family paling utamalah.
abis itu barulah gue merasa sedikit LEGA karena file2 TERpenting gue udah SLAMET!
Alhamdulillah bgd deh.

Skrg, gue berdoa smoga laptop gue bisa balik normal lagi. AMIN.
document, internet, dan pas welcome nya itu balik normal.
kalo sampe nggak, astagfirullah, bisa mpe nangis darah gue! T.T

Doain ya... :)


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Roti Sosis Keju


haha, tadi gue barusan bikin resep Roti Sosis Keju. rasanya? hmmm... suapan pertama sih lumayan ya, tapi selanjut2nya, duh... blenek gue. hehe :D
gile, mpe skrg rasanya masih campur2 d otak gue.
ga akan gue bikin lagi deh !
rasa kejunya itu terlalu berasa. ya, itu aja sih yang bikin blenek .
kepala gue ga enak banget nih skrg...
bbbrrr... pdhl dr gambarnya tuh kyknya wuenak tenan. pas dah gue bikin... -.- no comment .




Huaaa!!! bosen banget sih dunia ini! arghhh... gggrrrr...!
tiap hari gini2 ajaaa! huft, kalo di tambah skolah... pegimane ye jadinye???
huaaa...! meledak otak gue!
bosen bosen boseeen!!!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009



hey, how are you today?
i hope fine
i might have forgotten you these times
but dont worry,
you always be the owner of my sweet love's corner in my heart
it will never be replaced, i hope :)

imagining our love story two years back
i still can remember,
your charming face
even though i dont kno is it the real you or whom?
but as long as i believed in you,
i feel fine with that

now, i wonder your feeling to me
is it like before, or it changed?
since we lost contact for two years
i hope you still kno my name

i kno there is a very huge wall between us
a very huge one
i cant even see the peak
because im too weak

i kno im one in million
like stars that dancing around you
just pretend im one of them
being your sweet guardian angel

God, help me
give him another chance
just to meet me




Ya, 9.9.09 , tepatnya hari ini.
duh, sumpah ya gue ga ngerti banget. banyaaaaak banget hal2 yang mendebarkan gue alamin hari ini.

1. tadi pagi, hari pertama gue masuk skola, huft, rada deg2an, dan ya ga pede gitulah. tapi buat nyoba2, why not? sekedar untuk tau org2 sekola kyk gimana.

2. pas gue nyalain laptop, pas mau masukin password, ko gue kayaknya ngliat perbedaan ya disini? iya, jadi biasanyakan dibawah nama gue ada tulisan (please enter your password) atau ada apa gitu baru box passwordnya. nah, ini ko ga ada???

3. gue baru balik dari lulu dan dasman, niatnya pgn ngeprint resep. tadi siang sih sbelum pergi bisa. tapiii... ahhh... kacau... tiba2 malah ngadet sekarang printernya! wuih, setor!

4. pas gue buka inbox msn gue, tiba-tiba si jagoan avg mendektesi yang namanya trojan di google toolbar gue. ntah maksud tulisannya apa tapi ya deskripsi seperti itu yang bisa gue tangkep. aduh, tau sendirikan trojan itu nama apa? huahua!!! gue langsung yang "mampus! gimana nih? duh, guekan buta dunia pervirusan!" kalut begete deh! gue mpe restart berkali-kali-kali-kali-kali. nyoba betulin. gue coba delete, ehhh malah ga bisa. yang error interupetd blablabla gitu. huft, mpe bikin buka puasa gue ga tenang! mana niat gue pengen bikin minuman kagak jadi lagi! sial!
well, yeah, walo masih ragu antara bener-bener udah ilang apa belum virusnya, tp seenggaknya gue bisa mensolve masalah ini! YEAH!!! HAHA!!! =)) smoga aja bener-bener udah ilang dan ga balik lagi bersama pasukan lainnya! AMIN.

5. printer masih ngadet! gara-gara kejadian virus itu malah semakin parah! anjrit! duh, gue malah dapet note apa gitu ga ngartos dah. pokoknya gue berusaha hidup-hidupan deh buat betulin biar bisa lagi. astagfirullah, paling deg2an [takut, bingung, cemas, mampus!] deh gue kalo ada apa2 dengan laptop beserta perangkatnya! paling ga bisa tenang perasaan nih , beuuuh! haha.
ga lama kemudian, gue coba-coba lagi, dan alhamdulillah berhasil. walo masih ada tetek-bengeknya. haha. masih ada note apa2 gitu. bodo ah gue pinggirin aja. huahahah! akhirnya resep2 sedap mantap nikmat lezat dan menggiurkan itu bisa di print deh!

6. sampe saat ini jam setengah 11 malam, urusan printer masih ada. jadi tadikan gue di suruh install hpzsetup atau apalah itu yang berasal dari account setting atau dari apa gitulah tanya yang ahli! haha. ya karena keliatannya aman, gue okeokein aja. ehhhh ngekngok abis neh masa mpe sekarang blom slese installnya! beeehhh, malah ga ada tanda closenya lagi. edaaan, jangan sampe ada virus lainnya lagi! HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

7. gue masih ragu nih sama nih laptop antara aman atau nggak. ya berdoalah semoga nanti pagi aman dan baik-baik saja! AMIN.

8. gue juga bikin blog kedua ini tepat hari ini! wah, smoga ga ada pertanda apa-apa! AMIN (lagi) :) .


Second Blog


this is my second blog
as you can see the title, "another random notes"
so yeah, it is random and so so RANDOM
hav fun in reading my notes, and
thank you, xoxo.
i lup yu pul, people.
